ASNE TW was very excited to have Captain Dianna Wolfson, Commander, Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) as our special guest speaker at the Section’s May dinner. The Captain outlined the Shipyard’s new Strategic Framework to communicate their path forward on achieving their vision. The Strategic Framework is their “tool to communicate their updated mission and vision statements both with NNSY and externally, and shows how initiatives executed across the command tie together with why their command exists (warships). More importantly, the visual representation of the Strategic Framework combined with purposeful command-level strategic initiatives will align them as ONE TEAM on pillars that have the greatest impact on performance and achieving ONE MISSION.”
The Section was also thrilled to present another ASNE TW Engineer of the Quarter award. The award went to HT1(SW) David Weaver, USN, Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center, Hull Branch. Petty Officer Weaver was recognized for consistently demonstrating superior high-quality performance in the execution of his duties. His Commanding Officer, Captain Timothy A. Barney, said the Petty Officer “exceeds expectations and challenges to ensure 46 Naval Vessels are structurally sound and ready for critical Chief of Naval Operation tasking. He effectively led 134 Sailors and 17 civilians in the completion of 1,672 maintenance procedures through 19 Chief of Naval Operation Availabilities and saved the Navy $3,200,000 in contractor costs.” Congratulations HT1 Weaver!