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American Society of Naval Engineers

1423 Powhatan St., Suite 1

Alexandria, VA 22314

Naval Engineers Journal (NEJ) Volunteer Opportunities

16 Feb 2019 1:38 PM | Lon Scofield (Administrator)

NEJ Editor-in-Chief Volunteer Position

The Editor-in-Chief is a volunteer position and serves as the head of the NEJ Editorial Board. ASNE Members interested in the open Editor-in-Chief position should send an email to NEJ Managing Editor Maggie O'Brien by February 15, 2019. Applicants are asked to submit a short cover letter for the consideration of the NEJ team. We hope to select the new Editor-in-Chief by March 1st.

Additional NEJ Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in serving as a NEJ Associate Editor, or Reviewer, in your area of technical expertise, send an email to Maggie O'Brien.

Submit a Paper to the NEJ
To submit a technical paper for the NEJ, the Society's peer-reviewed technical journal, please visit: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/nej

Maggie O'Brien
Managing Editor, Naval Engineers Journal
email: mobrien@navalengineers.org 
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