Email: ASNE.tidewater.social@gmail.com
Office: (703) 836-6727
Fax: (703) 836-7491
American Society of Naval Engineers
1423 Powhatan St., Suite 1
Alexandria, VA 22314
American Society of Naval Engineers Tidewater Section hosted the Hampton High School Maritime Academy teachers and students for dinner and listen to RADM William Galinis, USN PEO Ships discuss some challenges and future outlook of ship types. Pamela Schools and I were so grateful to all our members and guests in making the students feel welcome and showing them the diversity of the Maritime workforce. THANK YOU Phillip Thompson and Christina Kerby for your open minds and hands on teaching of our future Maritime workforce! THANK YOU Josh Farrow, Elijah Twitchell, and Shanice Cooper for being brave students and getting out of your comfort zones! hashtag#VAmaritimehashtag#usnavyhashtag#futureleadershashtag#vocationaltraininghashtag#vocationaleducationhashtag#stemhashtag#engineershashtag#maritimehashtag#teachinghashtag#shiphashtag#weldershashtag#digitalshipbuildinghashtag#workforcehashtag#students