
  • 25 Oct 2022 5:08 PM | Andrea McCusker (Administrator)

    RADM Chris Engdahl, USN, was guest speaker at the October 19, 2022 ASNE Tidewater Section dinner. The Admiral gave an informative and engaging presentation on the history and recent CNO directed restructuring of the Naval Safety Center into the Naval Safety Command -- now serving as the naval enterprise lead for non-nuclear safety standards, expertise and oversight of the Navy and Marine Corps Safety Management System (SMS).

    In addition to discussing several high-profile accidents in the fleet, the Admiral’s presentation also included Naval Safety Command’s mission and responsibilities, his perspective on the recent TYCOM assessments, and Q&A with the dinner attendees.


  • 18 Aug 2022 12:23 PM | Andrea McCusker (Administrator)

    ASNE's FMMS 2022 is around the corner and we hope to see many of our members and friends there!  The Symposium is September 19-21 at the Virginia Beach Convention Center.  If you're not registered yet, here is a LINK to the website for registration, and additional information.  Some of the Symposium highlights include:

    • Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael M. Gilday invited for the keynote address
    • Exceptional speakers and panelists
    • Innovation Theater speakers and town hall question sessions 
    • Technical Papers presented 
    • Sponsorship opportunities (still a couple of slots open!) 
    • MSC and U.S. Navy Port Engineers engaging with attendees and exhibitors
    • Many exhibiting companies but room for more!  Early Bird rates end August 19!

     Check out the AGENDA on the website. 

    ASNE Tidewater Section will have a booth there and we hope you will stop by and see us!

  • 16 Aug 2022 7:52 PM | Andrea McCusker (Administrator)

    The ASNE-Sika Ultimate Build-A-Boat Challenge showcased June 11-12, 2022 at Norfolk Harborfest as we celebrated the 26th Anniversary of this great event!  

    Due to the stormy weather Sunday afternoon, the Build-A-Boat race took place Saturday June 18, 2022, at the home of Charlie and Chris Ellin in Sandbridge (Back Bay area).  There were 17 teams who built boats and 13 of them rearranged their schedule to race on the alternate date. Around 50 people came out and everyone had a blast!

    Please view our photo presentation of the entire event, and a video of race day. Special thanks to Mike D’Amato (ASNE Tidewater), John Mark Bessada (Sika Corp), and all the many volunteers who made this event possible!  Congratulations to all the participants and the winners!

  • 15 Jun 2022 9:04 AM | Andrea McCusker (Administrator)

    ASNE TW was very excited to have Captain Dianna Wolfson, Commander, Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) as our special guest speaker at the Section’s May dinner.  The Captain outlined the Shipyard’s new Strategic Framework to communicate their path forward on achieving their vision.  The Strategic Framework is their “tool to communicate their updated mission and vision statements both with NNSY and externally, and shows how initiatives executed across the command tie together with why their command exists (warships). More importantly, the visual representation of the Strategic Framework combined with purposeful command-level strategic initiatives will align them as ONE TEAM on pillars that have the greatest impact on performance and achieving ONE MISSION.”

    The Section was also thrilled to present another ASNE TW Engineer of the Quarter award. The award went to HT1(SW) David Weaver, USN, Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center, Hull Branch.  Petty Officer Weaver was recognized for consistently demonstrating superior high-quality performance in the execution of his duties.  His Commanding Officer, Captain Timothy A. Barney, said the Petty Officer “exceeds expectations and challenges to ensure 46 Naval Vessels are structurally sound and ready for critical Chief of Naval Operation tasking. He effectively led 134 Sailors and 17 civilians in the completion of 1,672 maintenance procedures through 19 Chief of Naval Operation Availabilities and saved the Navy $3,200,000 in contractor costs.” Congratulations HT1 Weaver!


  • 3 May 2022 5:17 PM | Andrea McCusker (Administrator)

    The ASNE Tidewater Section was pleased and very grateful to have RDML Randall Peck, USN, President, Board of Inspection and Survey as our guest speaker at our April Dinner/Meeting.  The Admiral summarized the 2021 Insurv Annual Report of in-service material inspections, new construction trials, and end of life inspections. The Board made 26 comprehensive recommendations spanning PMS, technical issues, logistics, manning, and training.

    If you were unable to attend the dinner, here is a link to the Admiral’s presentation.


  • 2 Apr 2022 3:27 PM | Andrea McCusker (Administrator)

    The Tidewater ASNE Section was pleased to have RADM James P. Downey, USN, Program Executive Officer for Aircraft Carriers speak at our March 16 dinner/meeting. The Admiral updated the Section on the post construction and operational testing of the Navy’s newest aircraft carrier - USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78). Admiral Downey also talked about follow on construction of CVN-79 and CVN-80 as well maintenance and operational updates on the existing carrier fleet.

    The meeting was well attended with almost 70 members and guests joining us in person or on-line.  The Admiral's presentation is available to view here.

  • 28 Feb 2022 9:57 AM | Andrea McCusker (Administrator)

    ASNE Tidewater's February Dinner/Meeting program featured Mr. Glen Sturtevant (SES), Director for Science & Technology at PEO Ships and NAVSEA’s Surface Ship Maintenance & Modernization Directorate SEA-21. Glen focused his presentation on the Surface Navy Warship Arctic Operability; the challenges and opportunities to extend the frequency and duration of U.S. Navy surface ship operations in this new frontier of critical strategic importance to the United States. His presentation is available here.

    Glen has been a staunch supporter of ASNE and has addressed the Tidewater Section before.  We always welcome his unique insight into the development and fielding of critical S&T programs. Thanks Glen!

  • 31 Jan 2022 12:08 PM | Andrea McCusker (Administrator)

    Our January 19th Dinner/Meeting program featured tag team presentations by Doug Smith, President & CEO of the Hampton Roads Economic Development Alliance, and Matt Smith (no relation), Alliance’s Director for Offshore Wind.

    With 40% of Virginia’s electricity to be sourced from renewable energy by 2030, a federal target to deploy 30GW by 2030, and active OSW projects already in 11 states, the demand signal for Offshore Wind is finally becoming real and coming fast. And the state of Virginia, with its port infrastructure, skilled maritime workforce, terminal facilities and waterfront acreage in Hampton Roads / Tidewater, is well positioned to become a major supply chain hub for this emerging industry.

    This topic was requested by and of great interest to our ASNE-Tidewater member companies looking to listen, learn and ultimately diversify their future business. We anticipate encore presentations at future ASNE dinner meetings as the OSW market unfolds.

    If you were unable to attend the January program, here is a link to the presentation.


  • 9 Jan 2022 3:17 PM | Andrea McCusker (Administrator)

    ASNE's Northern New England (NNE) Section held their first virtual meeting on December 9, 2021.  The meeting featured guest speaker Joe Satterfield, SUPSHIP, Bath, ME who spoke about the Constellation Class Frigate (FFG 62) Program.  The Constellation (FFG 62) class guided missile frigates will be a highly capable and survivable multi-mission asset designed for operations in blue water and littoral environments. 

    Linked here is a copy of the Constellation (FFG 62) program overview presentation.

  • 8 Jan 2022 8:04 PM | Andrea McCusker (Administrator)

    Our December dinner/meeting program featured naval fiction author David Poyer as our guest speaker. David was a US Naval Academy graduate, served 30 years in the Navy, and worked in industry for  several years including as a naval engineer at Newport News Shipbuilding, among other interesting positions. He has published over 50 books, including his latest publication Arctic Sea.  Poyer discussed how his education and experience in naval engineering, defense analysis, and advanced technology both contributed to, and gained from, his work in naval fiction. 


Email: ASNE.tidewater.social@gmail .com

Office: (703) 836-6727

Fax: (703) 836-7491

American Society of Naval Engineers

1423 Powhatan St., Suite 1

Alexandria, VA 22314

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